Planted in Promise...Growing in Pride
Ravenna Public Schools has been in existence since 1849. Our district boundaries incorporate the southeast section of Muskegon County, some of the northeast corner of Ottawa County. It encompasses about 100 square miles.
About Ravenna Public Schools
About 1000 students fill our buildings where a dedicated staff helps each one grow both academically and emotionally. Our size helps us to know each and every student and their families. We offer a challenging curriculum, opportunities for dual enrollment within the county and opportunities for students to start career training at our county Career Tech Center.
Initiatives & Recent Developments
- Continued focus on small class size for K-4 students as resources permit
- Continued to utilize our Unification Team to help K-4 students become better readers (Special Ed and Title I teachers) who use appropriate behavior resulting in increased student success in school and in the community
- Expanded School-to-Career Plans at the secondary level
- Community service projects expanded
- Continued a life skills (character education) program
- The Family Resource Center serves the residents of our community
- Continued the Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program in the elementary building
Board Members
Board Members serve 6-year terms. Vacated seats are filled by Board appointment. The appointee serves until a successor is elected and qualified to fill out the remainder of the office's unexpired term. The unexpired term is placed on the ballot at the next election unless the vacancy occurs within 90 days of that election, which would result in the appointee serving until the following election and the unexpired term is then placed on that ballot.
Joshua Emery, President (2028)
Fred Rosel, Vice President (2026)
Ryan Jawor, Treasurer (2028)
Michael Pierson, Secretary (2026)
Robert Becklin, Trustee (2030)
Becki Deater, Trustee (2030)
Mark Jacobs, Trustee (2030)
Your Ravenna Public Schools Board of Education values your input and feedback. Please feel free to contact us individually at the addresses listed above. If you wish to address the entire Board of Education you may do so during public comment in a meeting or by emailing us at
It is the policy of the Board that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, disability, or English speaking ability, shall be discriminated against, excluded from, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any federally funded program or activity for which the Board is responsible or for which it receives federal financial assistance from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.